Sunday, May 5, 2019

What is going on in Sudan ! -part 3-

It was out of no where, when Sudanese youth decided to put an end to  
that dictator who has been keeping their country back for about 3 decades ,they saw that Al-Bashir didn't do any improvement in their country for decades added to that he was never democratic -he only wanted the absolute power for himself alone- so they decided if he wont leave the chair for a fresh blood they will to take him out by themselves and they did ,as in December 19 2018 they rushed into streets after a raise in bread prices ,at first Sudanese police used violence to suppress the protesters ,but it didn't work ,Al-Bashir found himself in a tight situation especially he got no help from his old friends (saudi arabia &united arab emirates)  that used to fund
His economy,it was just a matter of time, 
Al-Bashir tried to go for help from Qatar but a tiny country like Qatar -even if it was rich- it wont help such a big one -relatively- like Sudan.

protesters in Khartoum ,Om-Derman and Obbayed remained in streets against the violent troops of Al-Bashir till April 11 2019 when some leaders from the Sudanese army -who have been said to be supported from egyptian, suadi and emirates intelligent services-  decided to turn against Al-Bashir and take him out
 ,thought protesters remained in streets till the moment as they are afraid from the play back of the egyptian situation in 2013 when Egyptian army took Muslim Brother Hood out of power and controlled the country till the moment , so Sudanese protesters still asking for a civilian leader for their country and they are suspicious that the military leaders are postponing the delivery of the power to civilians as they maybe want to take over the chair for themselves ,so many negotiations have been held and they are still negotiating with the military leaders to handle the power to them till the moment ,
- yes ,that means they still out there in the streets .

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